Monday, February 6, 2012

Our Little Snowbaby

This past weekend, we had a huge snowstorm that left us with 17 inches of snow over 2 days.  We got another few inches the following day for a total somewhere around 20 inches!  We enjoyed some cozy family time in our pj's and drank our fair share of hot chocolate.  Just for fun, we took Hudson outside a couple of times to see the snow, and to "measure" how deep it was.  The first day, the snow was about half a baby deep, and Hudson wasn't quite sure what he thought of it...
On day two, it was nearly 2/3 of a baby deep, and Hudson was much more interested!  It was so deep we didn't even have to hold onto to his arm because the snow itself propped him up.  We laughed watching him explore the snow and captured some fun pictures of our little snowbaby!
 Hmmm, what is this white stuff?
Hey, I can pick it up!
It's kind of fun!
I wonder what it tastes like? 
It's kind of deep. 
It's sticking to my mitten.
I think I like it.
See? I'm a big boy!
 Just chillin'.
 I'm not so sure about laying down in it!
We love that Hudson will grow up experiencing all four seasons, and his Daddy is hoping he'll want to join him on the slopes in the next couple of of years!


  1. he is just precious! such great cute pictures! Savor every moment, they grow up way too fast! :) (I remember Parker had that same fleece in about 3month size..with the bear ears)

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