Friday, February 10, 2012

Food For Friday: Homemade Larabars

We suspect that Hudson might have a food allergy/sensitivity, so almost 2 weeks ago, I eliminated all dairy from my diet.  That eliminated my favorite granola bars for a quick and easy snack, so when I saw this recipe for Homemade Larabars, I decided to give it a try!  They were fairly easy to make with the help of my food processor, and a good snack to grab as I rushed through the kitchen in between nursing sessions, laundry, diaper changes, and entertaining my little man. 

A disclaimer:  I've never eaten an actual Larabar, so I can't comment on how these compare to the real deal.  They were described on the recipe as tasting like Snicker's bars, and I definitely wouldn't go that far!  These bars have chocolate peanut butter flavor, but they don't even come close to tasting like a Snicker's bar in my book, especially because the underlying date flavor is still very noticeable.  Just had to get that out there! 

With Larabars costing over $1.00 each, these homemade bars are definitely a more economical way to have a tasty energy bar on hand.  They would also be an awesome addition if you are taking a meal to a family with a new baby because they are a perfect quick snack for nursing moms.

I adjusted the recipe a little and used 1 lb of dates, which came out to be about 3 cups, from the bulk section of our natural foods store.  I also used vegan chocolate chips to meet my diary free requirement.  The next time that I make a batch of these bars, I think I will add in another tablespoon of peanut butter to see if I can up the peanut butter flavor.  You can find the recipe here!

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