Sunday, July 10, 2011

We're an Aunt & Uncle!

In March, Truman's sister & brother-in-law, Carita & Dennis, adopted a precious baby boy.  We finally had the chance to meet sweet Jacob during our visit to Texas last month, when he was about 2.5 months old!  We are absolutely in love with him.  
Jacob becoming a part of our family was a joyous miracle, and a huge answer to many, many prayers after a nearly decade long struggle with infertility for Dennis & Carita.  I am not even going to attempt to share their journey or the story of Jacob's adoption, but Dennis shares it beautifully in a series of a blog posts that he wrote shortly after they brought Jacob home.  You can read their story here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You might want to have some tissues handy!
Jacob seriously couldn't be any more adorable!  Even his fabulous extra chubby, squeezable thighs are perfect.  And they have seriously gotten even chubbier since we took these pictures last month.
When we found out that we were having a son, shortly after Dennis & Carita adopted Jacob, Truman was extra excited because the cousins will only be 6 months apart in age.  We hope they'll have lots of fun memories together, especially with both of them being boys and being so close in age!
Jacob is already so loved!  And his Uncle Truman and Aunt Amber are big fans!

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