Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Visit to Texas

It has been two years since we relocated to Denver from Austin, and we hadn't been back to Austin to visit since our move.  It had also been almost a year and a half since we'd been back to Houston to visit Truman's family, and our friends & ministry partners that live there.  We decided that we should make a trip back before Little Lo's arrival, and in early June, we headed back to Texas for a whirlwind visit to both Austin and Houston.  We got our fill of delicious Tex Mex, which is hard to come by in Colorado, including our favorites, Chuy's and Lupe Tortilla.  Truman got his fill of authentic Chinese food from Houston's Chinatown, which he looks forward to on any visit back to Texas.  We got to spend time catching up with a lot of friends, visit several churches that support us in ministry, and visit with some of our ministry partners.
We are usually terrible about taking photos with friends that we see during our visits back to Texas, so I made a goal to be more intentional about getting pictures with everyone this trip.  We weren't 100% successful, and we forgot to take a picture with several fun friends that we got to spend time with, but we did better than in the past!  
The children of our friends are the biggest reminder of how long it's been since our last visit....they grow and change so quickly and several of our friends have kids that are now at least a year old who we hadn't yet gotten to meet!  It's fun to think that on our next trip back to Truman's home state, we'll be introducing everyone to our son!

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