Friday, September 3, 2010

Mountain Retreat

Have I mentioned lately just how very much I adore living in the beautiful state of Colorado?  Because I do! 

Lately, the trend has been that every time I get home, I get to unpack for a few days, only to re-pack my bags to head off on another trip.  This past weekend, we spent a few days up in the mountain town of Silverthorne with our Campus Crusade for Christ staff team for a fall planning retreat.  This was the awesome view from the porch of the condo we stayed in:

We are blessed to be just over an hours drive from gorgeous mountain spots and that we get to head to the mountains for our ministry retreats.  We spent hours sharing about our lives, dreaming about what God can do in the lives of students on college campuses across Denver, and creating strategic plans for our ministry this semester.  We cooked together and laughed over meals.  We even squeezed in some late night hot tubbing under the stars.

 On Saturday afternoon, our director and his wife planned a few hours of fun & relaxation for us and we took a boat out on Lake Dillon.  I grew up boating with my family and absolutely love cruising around a lake.  I think it's so peaceful and calming to spend time out on the water....especially with these gorgeous views!

We really appreciate the awesome group of people that we get to serve with.  They are a lot of fun, they love well, and they challenge us to walk closer with the Lord. We enjoyed this time to connect as a team after being spread out all over the world this summer, and to get to know our newest teammate better.

And, I'm thankful that my bags get to stay unpacked for the next month!  Well, after we get back from our Labor Day camping trip, that is.  Photos from more mountain adventures to come...


  1. Looks like you had an awesome time. We love being on the water, too.

    Be blessed!

  2. So fun! Hope your year is starting off great!!
