Friday, August 27, 2010

Blogosphere Blessings

Last week, I was back in Ohio where I grew up and I had an opportunity to meet one of my blog friends in person.  This was the first time I had a chance to meet someone face to face that I know from the blogosphere.  And it was wonderful!

I don't even remember how I discovered her blog, but I have been reading Christy's blog for about 2 years, soon after she began blogging.  I have always appreciated how real, genuine, sweet and wise she is, and I love the perspectives she shares on her life and the Lord.  I have thought on many occasions, "if she lived close by, I would love to have her as a friend in real life and just be able to sit down and grab a cup of coffee with her."  When I realized I was going to have a little bit of free time during my visit to Ohio, and that she lives just 45 minutes away from where I grew up, I just knew I had to e-mail her and see if it might work out for us to meet.  She invited me to her home for lunch (which included some delicious chocolate brownies and coffee) and we spent the whole afternoon chatting about life, ministry, marriage, and how we've seen God's hand on our lives.  We even discovered during our visit that we were born in the same hospital!

Christy was just as warm and thoughtful as I knew her to be from her posts.  Her home is beautiful, cozy and inviting, just like her blog.  I felt welcome and comfortable from the minute I walked in the door. 

If you don't know Christy already, head over to her blog Between Here and Home.  I think you'll be so glad you did!  And if you ever have a chance to meet a blog friend in real life, take it!  It is so fun, and a sweet blessing, that two women who never would have had a chance to meet, were able to do so because of the blog world.  God can encourage and bless us in ways that we wouldn't expect and I am thankful that He has blessed me with Christy's friendship through our blogs, even though we live thousands of miles apart.

P.S.  There are still more photos coming from our summer adventures in Africa & Italy, but we've had a back-up drive issue that has meant hours and hours and hours of backing up & recovering photos.  Thankfully, we didn't lose any photos!  I look forward to sharing a few more posts in the coming weeks!  And some fun crafty projects too!

1 comment:

  1. Amber,

    It was a wonderful afternoon wasn't it?!!! I have been thinking about you and praying for you since your visit. And, I am counting on the fact that we will see each other again... sooner than later!

    I will talk to you soon,
