Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Leaving On a Jet Plane

Our bags are packed, our house is clean (we have houseguests who will be staying in our home while we are away), and in just a few hours, we will be boarding the plane that is going to take us to Italy, and then on to Africa!  We are so excited! 

Because flights from the US to South Africa typically connect through Europe, we were able to schedule a layover in Italy on our way to South Africa.  We are very blessed to have a time of refreshment and relaxation before we kick into high gear and lead 25 college students in serving the people of South Africa.  This time will also allow us to break our travel into two 10-12 hour segments, rather than one long flight, and allow my body and health some time to recover from the travel and time to adjust to the time difference before our summer project begins. 

 (picture borrowed from Adam Go)

Several people have asked if I will be updating my blog during our summer adventures.  I hope so!  We will have limited and inconsistent internet access, but I hope to post a few updates, (prayerfully with photos!), so you can be a part of what we are experiencing this summer.  We believe that God has some huge plans for the next two months!  We would love your prayers during our time away, so I will try to post some prayer requests with our updates. 

I have scheduled some fun, crafty posts for while I am gone, so if you come back throughout the summer, there will be some creative inspiration, along with some summer updates!  I didn't want to leave my readers with an empty blog for 2 months!

Food For Friday is taking a break for the summer, but will be back this fall, with lots of delicious new recipes. 

 (picture borrowed from Adam Go)

I hope that the next time I sit down to write, I'll have a tan from the Tuscan sun and be enjoying some homemade gelato as I post from Italy!

1 comment:

  1. Amber,

    Eat some gelato for me please!!!

    I just prayed for you and will continue to do so. Looking forward to blog updates from you :)

    May God bless this amazing adventure you are on and that that the work you do brings Him all the glory!!!
