Thursday, June 10, 2010

Countdown to Africa: 5 Days!

As people around the world are turning their attention to South Africa and tuning into the World Cup, which kicks off in Johannesburg tomorrow, we are literally packing our bags to leave for this beautiful country.  Back in November, I announced that we will be spending 6 weeks in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa on a mission trip with Campus Crusade for Christ.  At the time I wrote the post, our departure seemed so far away, but in exactly 5 days, we will be on a LONG flight, making our way towards Africa!
In the coming weeks, as you see images of South Africa all over the news, remember that there is another story behind the striking beauty of this country and it's people:  A story of brokenness, a story of redemption, and a country in need of the Good News of the Gospel.  Did you know?

More people die of AIDS in South Africa every year than anywhere else in the world.

20% of the South African population is infected with AIDS.

A South African little girl has a better chance of being raped than she does learning how to read. 

For the first part of our trip, we will be working with Beam Africa, a faith-based, South African run development center.  Daily, they feed and invest in the lives of 100 orphaned and poor children, including children with AIDS, providing at least one healthy meal (for many the only meal they will eat that day), as well as a safe environment for them to learn and experience needed love and support, from help with their homework to job skills training and clothing. 
We will then travel to Cape Town, South Africa where we will be working on 4 college campuses throughout the city.  Through initiating spiritual conversations, building relationships with South African college students, and outreaches, our students will take the Good News of Christ to college students in Cape Town.  The future leaders of South Africa will come from this generation of college students. 

In 2009, 54% of college students who heard the Gospel in South Africa made decisions for Christ!  Most students have not yet had the opportunity to hear the Good News, but when they do, they respond.

In the coming weeks, as you hear about South Africa in the news, will you remember to pray for us?

I rarely talk about opportunities to give on my blog, but I also want to mention that we are still in need of additional financial support for this mission trip and are trusting God to provide all of our needed support before we leave on Tuesday!  If God is tugging at your heart to be a part of what He has called us to be a part of in South Africa, you can give directly through Campus Crusade for Christ here.  All gifts are tax deductible. 

P.S.  Because we live in a world of sin and I've heard the blog horror stories, I have to say, if you are reading this post and are thinking our home would be a fantastic target to break into while we are away for 2 months, be advised that family members are housesitting for us.  Our house will not be empty!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber... Have you read the Savannah series by Denise Hildreth? If not, they are really funny and one of my favorites. She has a new one called "Hurricanes in Paradise". It's an easy read but a great story about friendships and healing.

    Here are some of my other favorites...

    A Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers
    The Memory of Water by Karen White (this isn't a Christian book. There is some language in it but it's a great story).
    Any of Lisa Samson's books... in fact she recently wrote a book about a mission's trip she and her daughter took to Africa. A great read! It's called "Love Mercy".
    A couple that are on my list to read are "Fireflies in December" and "Cottonwood Whispers" by Jennifer Erin Valent.

    Hope that helps... my list really could on and on so if you need any other suggestions, just let me know:)

    Know that a fellow blogger and sister in Christ is lifting you up in prayer.

    Take care and blessings to you!!!
