Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our TLC Air Date!

If you've been around my blog for long, you know that Truman and I were selected for an episode of Home Made Simple on TLC! The crew came to our home for 3 days in January to shoot. Many of you have been asking if there was any news on what date our episode would air and the answer has been no, no, no. ;) But I received word from the producer and we finally have an air date!

A sneak peak at a few photos from the taping of the show! No hints on the projects though! You'll have to tune in!
Taping my interview portion

Our episode of Home Made Simple will air on Saturday, May 2 on TLC!!! It airs at noon EST/11:00 am Central.

Truman taping part of his interview

The shoot was a ton of fun and an absolutely wonderful experience, but Truman and I aren't convinced that watching ourselves on screen is going to be quite as fun! I guess we'll see in a few weeks. ;) It's tempting to keep the date a secret so we don't have to be (potentially) embarrassed in front of friends on national television, but I thought we should let you in on the fun. So, set your DVR's! After the show airs, I'll be posting photos from the shoot and some of the projects we worked on!

The chaos that was our front yard when we were shooting a scene out front

(If you missed my posts in January about our experience taping the show, you can find them here and here.)

On a totally different note, have you seen this? My mom tipped me off to this amazing digital crafting tool that can cut vinyl and paper into any shape and any font in any size, straight from your computer or an SD card!

Check out all the things it can do... My birthday was this week, and I still had some money saved from Christmas, so I ordered one and it's on it's way! I'm so excited! It is so incredibly versatile and I can't wait to see all of the projects I will be able to use this tool to create! Scrapbook pages, cards, tags, banners.... I can't wait for it to arrive!


  1. That's so exciting!!! I can't wait to see it!

  2. Can't wait to see the show! I will definitely tune in! Good luck getting to Denver tomorrow...I am staring at a white out right now outside my window...lots of snow already on the ground and more to come. I admit I am glad I can stay inside this weekend! :)

  3. Can't wait to see the show!

    To answer a few of your questions to me...

    No, I didn't take the pictures and I couldn't find any credits for them, sadly. They are beautiful, though, aren't they?

    No luck with my bulbs this year. I only planted five peoni bulbs and have been praying over them. They are my all-time favorite flowers. I had a feeling they wouldn't grow here but I had to give it a try. A gardening friend of mine said we probably should have planted earlier since our winter was so mild. (NOW she tells me! Ha!)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. I CAN NOT wait to watch it! How fun! I know it will be simply fabulous.;)

  5. Congrats on your show! I have been finally catching up on my blog reading after recovery! I'll make sure I tune in! Jen
