Friday, March 13, 2009

Sewing Love

I know that Christmas past has slipped from the day to day thoughts of most of us, especially as we watch longingly for all signs of spring's arrival from warmer, sunny days to flowering branches. But, I realized that I never shared one of my favorite gifts from this past Christmas with you! My new (now new-ish) sewing machine!

Just two years ago, I really had no hankering to sew whatsoever. But, after we moved into our new home, I really wanted to sew curtains. So, I borrowed a sewing machine. And then, as I clicked around blogland, I saw one cute fabric project after another that inspired my desire to sew. Knowing that the curtains weren't all that difficult, as I saw these fabulous project ideas, I thought (with a little trepidation in my heart), "I could do that, too, right?"

And so, a sewing machine found a spot on my Christmas wishlist, and I began bookmarking sewing projects that I wanted to try. A fabulous early Christmas gift from my mom, my sewing machine was delivered a few weeks before Christmas. And I decided that I wanted to try and make a few gifts with my shiny new toy. I knew my mom would love this fabric, so the very first project I tried with my machine was this purse.

I was really happy with how it turned out, and the most challenging part for me was following a pattern for the first time! I shared here about another easy sewing project I tackled a couple of months ago. Next on my list are these. I have the fabric stacked neatly in my craft room, ready to go!

If you haven't ever sewed, or are like I was and haven't sewed since junior high home ec class, I want to encourage you that it really isn't as hard as it looks! I think it can seem intimidating, and it's tempting to think, "I could never sew that!" But, it's not as hard as it looks and if you just take the first step to give it a try, you never know how much you might enjoy it! If you do sew and have a fun project that is a favorite, or one on your to-try list, share the link with me! I'd love to check them out.


  1. I am SO glad you posted this. I've been contemplating buying a sewing machine for about 6 months and have finally decided to go for it. I just hope "this old dog can learn new tricks"!!!! Any specifications that you suggest??

  2. I haven't been bitten by the sewing bug just yet. My mom quilts and sews and has said that as soon as I'm interested, she'll buy me a sewing machine. Not sure if I'll have the time now with our little one!
    Thank you for all of your sweet comments about her!

  3. Love that bag! it turned out great! it looks very Vera Bradley!

  4. This is great. I love sewing too. I'm going to try the coffee cozy.


  5. Love the bag! Where did you find the pattern?
