Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pretty Plates

For over a year, I've been collecting plates that coordinate with the colors in our guest room, which is also my craft room. I didn't want to hang them until I had enough for a grouping, and over the holiday season I found a couple more to finish out the arrangement! Some of the plates are antique china, some are new with vintage charm. With Tru's help, I finally hung them at the end of last week. I tried out several arrangements on the floor before deciding on this one, and I am really happy with how they turned out. They add another layer of coziness to the room!

I would love to show you how they fit into the decor of the room, but I cannot reveal photos of this room yet! When we taped our episode of Home Made Simple for TLC, this room was the focus of our efforts, so there are several projects that must remain a secret until our show airs in April! If I widened the angle of this photo at all, you would have a sneak peak of things that cannot yet be seen. But, let me assure you that as soon as our episode airs next month, I have a bunch of pictures from this room that I can't wait to show you the details of!


  1. Amber,

    I love plates too and I think they are a great way to add a special touch to any wall. I also like to display them on pedestals. I am looking forward to seeing the big reveal and please let us know when the show will be airing so that we can watch!

    I also want to thank you for your comment that you left on my post. You are too sweet and you certainly made this mom feel good! Have a great day!

  2. Love the plate arrangement!!! I want to do this. So creative!!! I really can not wait to see all y'all did on the show. Promise to let me know when it airs!!!

  3. I LOVE your plates! I've wanted to do the same thing in my bedroom, I just need to be more patient when it comes to finding the perfect plates!

  4. I HEART Them! I think My fave might be the small vintage one, hmmm wonder why???? I was surprized by the red one? This is a new color addition to the shabby chic theme going on in there, but I always trust your judgement and love your rooms so I am sure it looks wonderful!!!

  5. Love the plates. I can't wait until your show airs!

  6. Those plates on the wall are gorgeous!
