Saturday, January 3, 2009

FUN News! We're going to....


be on TV!!!!

Can you even believe it?!? Blog friends, I've been wanting to share this fun news with you for weeks now! Truman and I have been selected for an episode of the TLC show, Home Made Simple! If you haven't seen it, it airs on Saturdays at noon on TLC. Set your DVR to check it out! This coming Monday (just 2 days away!), Home Made Simple is invading our home with their crew for 3 full days to tackle some projects around our house. We can't wait!

Here's a bit of the story....
Back in late October or early November, Truman's sister, Carita, nominated us for the show online. She received an error message from the website after she hit submit, so she wasn't even sure her nomination form had gone through. But, she soon received an e-mail from a production coordinator at TLC. They were interested in our story and requested photos of Truman & me and our home. Carita shared with us that she had nominated us, and asked if we were interested in the opportunity. Of course we said yes!

A week after Carita submitted the photos, I received a call from an associate producer that they were going to be in Austin that week and wanted to schedule a time to come by, meet Truman & me, and see our home. Later that week, two of the producers came over to visit us and tape a casting video.

We received the call just before Christmas that we had been selected!

If you aren't familiar with the show, the hosts, the Mavens, teach simple do-it-yourself solutions for your every day life. From decorating to organization, they tackle projects with the help of family and friends that simplify your home and simplify your life. They will even spend some time in the kitchen with us, giving cooking lessons on some dishes & skills we'd love to learn. We can't wait to find out which projects we are going to work on together next week!

You can click here to check out the website and see some of their great ideas for everything from entertaining to meals, as well as highlights from some of the past episodes & families.

We are so excited and feel incredibly blessed to have this unique opportunity! Quite honestly, it's still a bit surreal that in just a few days, we'll be on "set" in our home, shooting our hour long episode. It feels even more surreal that people across the country are going to be watching us on TV later this year. I'm trying not to think too much about that part of the show until after we finish taping! ;) It's just a tiny bit intimidating! I have watched TLC for years and love their shows. It is still so crazy to me that we get to be a part of it.

They will be sharing some of our story when the episode airs, but I promise to sit down sometime soon to share with you some of the reasons that they have decided to come to our home and why we need their help!

Well, my break is over and I need to be a busy bee for the next day or so to get ready for the show!!! I just wanted to take a few minutes and share our fun news with you! I have a feeling I'm going to be exhausted each night after a 12 hour day of taping, but I'll try my best to post updates as we shoot this week!

We truly believe that God has blessed us with this opportunity and we can't wait to see what He has in store for us! What a fun way to kick off 2009!


  1. WOW! Way too cool! We'll be sure to set our DVR for recording! :) Can't wait! :) You'll have to let us know when your show airs! :)

  2. How exciting!!! I've never watched the show, but I will have to tune in and please let me know when your show will be airing!

    As far as the header... really easy! Just remove your header that is there currently, download whatever you create from scrapblog as a JPEG, then add it in your header. Remember to have it shrink to size and have it replace current title and image. It really is a lot of fun! Hope this helps:)

  3. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! Yes, it is a weird feeling knowing that people that read your blog will see you on TV. I remember people on the east coast were emailing me when I was on HGTV and I still hadn't seen it made me so nervous!

  4. That is just. SO. COOL!!!

    Make sure you let us know the exact air date so we can all watch.

    I feel like I know a movie star now!!!

    Happy New Year and blessings!

  5. Hi Amber, thanks for coming by "Make Room For..." to comment on my sweater sleeve gift bags! I haven't found a use for the body of the sweater, but maybe a throw pillow?

    I am so excited you guys were selected for the show! I can't wait to see how God uses you both for His glory! And I can't wait to watch your episode!

    I am going to be in Austin next week for work, will I need a coat? Northern Virginia is freezing right now!

  6. Yeah for you!!! I've always wished I was on TLC or HGTV on one of their shows! I'll have to live vicariously through you!

    So glad to meet a fellow Yankee who loves Cincinnati Chili--it's so yummy!

  7. answer to your questions...the tile job wasn't that challenging,just a little time consuming (he's a teacher and did it nights and weekends). He had the opportunity to work with a tiling buddy of his this past summer so he learned a lot. Plus, he loves doing that kind of stuff so he enjoyed every minute of it!

  8. Oh how fun!!! I love that show! I have saved many of their episodes on the DVR, because I LOVE the recipes they use. They are so easy to repeat. The episode where they made Frogmore Stew has made even my husband love the show. Who knew?!?! Good luck to you this week.
