Friday, January 2, 2009

December Whirlwind

December was a full month for us! It was a whirlwind of activity from decorating to traveling as we celebrated the season of our Savior's birth. I thought I would share just a few highlight photos of our month.

We hosted several parties...

A Christmas dessert party for my small group girls

Our staff team Christmas party

We traveled to Ohio to spend the week before Christmas with my family. We had fun visiting with family & friends and checking out holiday activities around Cincinnati.

One of my annual Christmas favorites in Cincinnati is the holiday display at Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park. They have a nativity and a grand floral display that captures the beauty of the holiday season. I want to share the colorful and magical sights with you.

We continued our tradition of creating a gingerbread house (or two or three!) My brother Evan cleverly crafted a gingerbread car, from the snowman pieces, that was parked just next to our house. Of course it had to have the traditional Christmas car commercial big bow on top!

Fountain Square, in downtown Cincinnati, hosted an over-the-top Christmas extravaganza. Bored with Santa's same old arrival year after year in a sleigh? Spice it up a bit with Santa rapelling down the side of a city skyscraper, joined by his favorite elf and reindeer! We were amazed at the huge fireworks display celebrating his arrival, right in the middle of all the city buildings! It was all quite a sight!

We jetted back to Texas on Christmas Eve, and arrived in Houston to spend Christmas day with Truman's family. We enjoyed a Christmas brunch followed by a large celebration with all of the extended family. (I don't have our group family photo yet, but will add it soon!) We took sweet time to reflect on the real gift of the season, and we had a fun time of laughter as we exchanged gifts from our Secret Santas.

It was a fun month full of family & friends and we are thankful for the memories shared with people we love!

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