Thursday, August 4, 2011

Showered with Love in Texas

During our visit to Texas, we also had our first baby shower!  Hudson was showered with love, and some pretty cute gifts too!  It was a blessing to be able to celebrate his life with friends and family that we don't get to see often enough.

The mama-to-be on shower day!  25 weeks
All of the guests who came to celebrate with us!
Cute onesie decorations...
The sweet blue & green train themed plates and napkins...
A delicious cupcake cake!  They had a train track set up around the cake table...
Fun little baby booty favors filled my favorite, chocolate!
We played a memory game with a tray full of baby items...
Everyone decorated onesies for our little guy... (they had some really cute ideas!)
And I opened some adorable gifts for baby Lo!  It is fun to think that in just over 2 months, he is going to be wearing these cute little outfits...
He even got a tiny fleece perfect for our Colorado native baby.  His daddy was super excited about his first outdoor "gear!"  I think there will be lots of outdoor adventures, hikes & camping trips in their future...
With the hostesses, Truman's cousins, Cynthia & Emily, and his mom....
And two of the students I discipled in Texas with our college ministry at UT, Rachel and Joy.  It was so special to me to get to visit with them.  It was also the first baby shower they've attended!
We were so thankful to be able to celebrate our little blessing with our friends & family in Texas. We are excited for everyone to meet him!  Thank you for showering us, and baby Hudson, with love!

1 comment:

  1. You've been quiet for several weeks... just wondering how you're doing?

    Hope all is well and that you are enjoying these days with your expanding belly!

    Be blessed!!!
