Monday, June 13, 2011

Reflecting on 4 Years

One month ago today, we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.  We had a relaxed day together and even though we were right in the middle of a record setting 2 weeks of rain, the skies cleared, and we had a beautiful day!  We took a picnic to one of our favorite Denver parks.
We always exchange cards with handwritten notes in them on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries and it's one of my favorite parts of celebrating! 
Most of the time, I hand make a card for Truman.  This anniversary, he decided he was going to use my paper crafting supplies and make a card for me too.  I am very thankful for how sweet & thoughtful my husband is.  Didn't he do an awesome job!? 
After we opened our cards, we played Scrabble and enjoyed some delicious angel food cake with homemade cream cheese icing and fresh strawberries.
Every year on our anniversary, we reflect on that past year of our marriage....our favorite memories, what we learned, how we grew.  This anniversary, as we looked back over our 4th year of marriage, we both agreed that it was our favorite year yet.  And we are so excited for what year 5 is going to hold as we become a family of 3! 

1 comment:

  1. your cards to each other are cute! i hope i marry someone who takes me on a picnic to celebrate, too!
