Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gender Reveal Party! It's a....

This past Thursday, we hosted a little party with some of our close friends to find out if Lilo is a boy or a girl!  It was a lot of fun and we are so glad we found out in a fun way with friends & family, rather than at the ultrasound appointment.  We had to hold onto the secret for 2 1/2 days between our ultrasound and the party, but it was worth it!

Holding the card I made for the ultrasound tech to write Lilo's gender in, before we went into our ultrasound appointment:
After the appointment, we took the card to Babies R Us.  We picked out two outfits, a boy and a girl choice, and took them both to customer service.  They opened the card out of sight and wrapped up the right outfit for us to open at our gender reveal party!
I love planning parties, so it was a lot of fun for me to create a festive atmosphere for our party.  Everything went with our blue & pink, boy or girl theme.
I thought bite size babycakes were appropriate for the occasion!
We incorporated the Chinese characters for "boy" and "girl" into our table decor.
The package holding our big surprise!
Our families skyped in from Ohio & Texas to join in the celebration and share our big news with us!
All of our friends wore pink or blue to vote for their guess of whether Lilo was a boy or a girl.
After waiting for 2 days, we were dying to know and so excited to rip into that package!
This photo is blurry because we were moving, but the looks of surprise are classic...
It's a....
We are going to have a son!
For some reason, after thinking it was a boy our whole pregnancy, after our ultrasound, Tru really thought it was going to be a girl.  He was shocked and thrilled that it was a boy!  I love this photo of him showing off his son's outfit to our families over skype:
We announced our news to friends and family through e-mail and Facebook with this photo.  Bring on the blue!
After months of waiting, it is still a little bit surreal that we know we are having a boy!  We are so excited to meet our son! 


  1. Congratulations on your growing son! Our first was a boy, too, and I think it's pretty neat to start the family with a boy... the protector for his siblings to come!

    What a fun way to find out the gender of your baby - you're so creative!

    So exciting!!!

  2. Oh that's so sweet!!!! Blessings to you all, I'm sure your son will be very handsome, looking at his parents the combination couldn't be better! I pray God will bless your family greatly for His glory!

  3. I just happened across your blog and wanted to leave you a comment. Your party is so pretty! I love ALL of your decorations in pink and blue. Those babycakes are too sweet! Congrats on having a son!
