Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Earlier this month we celebrated my birthday.  I was actually at a Campus Crusade for Christ staff women's conference in the mountains on my birthday, which made it unusual to start with.  It quickly became even more unusual when I woke up at 4 am the morning of my birthday with severe chest & arm pain that lasted for 3 hours.  After a call to my OBGYN, they wanted me to come in just to check and make sure everything was ok, so I left the conference early to head to the doctor.  The baby sounded great, and other than my blood pressure being high, nothing was concerning, so we went home to rest for the evening.  (I've since had an appointment with a cardiologist and everything looks fine with my heart, which was great news!)  I think my surprise gift was getting to hear Lilo's heartbeat on my birthday!

Because I was supposed to be at the conference, we had planned to celebrate my birthday with a fun dinner date that weekend, so a couple of days later, I got to head downtown with my handsome hubby to enjoy a fun evening out and a delicious dinner!  Because we haven't been able to get out much during my pregnancy, it was an extra fun date night! 
With beautiful flowers from my hubby before we left for dinner

Opening his sweet card at dinner (which is one of my favorite parts of celebrating any special occasion!)

My handsome date

My birthday dessert as big as my head (peanut butter and chocolate cookie!)

Right before I left for the conference, I got an early birthday package from my mom and it was the BEST surprise!  Hydrangea are one of my most favorite flowers, and she sent me two hydrangea plants for our yard.  Nearly all of our landscaping beds were completely filled with rocks when we purchased our home, so I am slowly trying to add beautiful flowering plants and I can't wait to cut my first hydrangea blooms to bring into the house. 

It is wonderful, but also crazy, to think that next year I will be celebrating as a mom!

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