Friday, March 18, 2011

A New Addition!

My blogging has been on the back burner for the past 3 months because I've been busy working on an even sweeter project, the best addition we've ever made to our home....

We are expanding our family by two feet!  Meet Baby Lo!

10 Week Ultrasound Photo

Lilo, our nickname for "Little Lo," will be here in mid-September.  We are praising God for the blessing of this sweet life!

You may remember me sharing in past posts that 13 is a special number for our family.  Truman was born on December 13.  I was born on April 13.  We were married on May 13.  And Lilo is due on September 13!  We'll see if baby Lo carries on the tradition!

7 weeks ultrasound 2
Our 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks

I have had a rough first trimester, so my days have been filled with hour upon hour of resting on the couch, naps, Sprite, and watching every show on On Demand and our DVR.  My amazing husband has been busy doing all of our grocery shopping, preparing dinner, doing laundry, and cleaning, while I watch from the couch.  But, we are so incredibly thankful for this little life and know that this season of sickness is a small price to pay for a lifetime as parents!

13 weeks belly 1
Our 1st belly shoot at 13 weeks
13 weeks belly 2
Lilo was the size of a peach at 13 weeks
13 weeks belly 3
I am 14.5 weeks pregnant and hoping that the 2nd trimester will bring less time on the couch and more time in my craft room!  I have a whole stack of fabric waiting to be turned into baby gifts for friends who have welcomed new additions to their families, and ideas for a baby scrapbook for Lilo swimming around in my head.  I will continue to share pregnancy news and photos of my growing belly, but I hope to be sharing new craft projects soon too!  And of course, I'm sure there will be some nursery photos in the coming months as we prepare for Lilo's arrival!


  1. Congratulation Amber!! Sorry that you have had a rough first trimester, I will pray that it gets better. Very excited for you guys!!

  2. Oh, my goodness! I go away for just a short spring break and look what you've done!!! ;)

    Congratulations, Amber! I am so excited for you and look forward to many more posts about your pregnancy, the nursery, etc.

    Now THAT is one way to come up with blog material! Haha!

    Again, congratulations and blessings upon all of you!

  3. Wishing you a happy & healthy rest of your pregnancy.

  4. What a blessing!!! So excited for you!!! I pray you have an easy time the remainder of your pregnancy!!! CONGRATS, sweet girl!
