Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Memories 2010

This Christmas, my family came to Colorado to celebrate with us.  It was such a blessing to have them here, and after a hard year for our family, it was special for us to be together for Christmas.  They spent 4 days on the road driving to be here in Denver for 3 days!  It was a long trip for them, but we really appreciated their sacrifice.  Here are a few of our Christmas memories:
 After going to church for the Christmas Eve Service.
 I made our 2nd annual PW's homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning. 
 My brother created a portmanteau for us on Christmas morning.  Ha!
 We spent Christmas afternoon at Red Rocks park.  The weather was so beautiful we didn't even need coats!  We took some family photos.  This one was my favorite.
We drove around Downtown Denver to see the Christmas lights.  The Denver City & County building was the highlight!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I happened upon your blog when researching tutorials on ruffled camera strap covers, and I really loved your tutorial! I read this last post, and I have to ask... May I have your recipe for cinnamon rolls? I have never made them before, but my hubby LOVES them! Could you please email me a detailed recipe with ingredient list? I would really appreciate it so much!

    `Mindy Bruce
