Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Date with Shrek

This past Sunday, we took advantage of our credit card rewards to treat ourselves to a fun date night in downtown Denver!

We started the evening with dessert at The Cheesecake Factory.  We shared the Reeses Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake and it was delicious!  And rich!  It is one of my new favorites.  I never have room for dessert if I eat a meal there, so I love going just for dessert.

After dessert, we saw Shrek The Musical at the Buell Theater.  We really enjoyed it!  It was humorous and light-hearted and just an all-round fun show. 

We are both fans of musicals, so it's a fun thing for us to do together.  And I love any reason for my handsome hubby to get a little dressed up!  It had been a hard week for us, so a funny musical, laughing together, and eating dessert was a perfect & much needed evening out.
When we came out of the show, snow was falling, and as we walked back to our car, it began coming down even harder.  We were pretty covered in snowflakes by the time we got to the car. 

It was beautiful, and a fun surprise to come out to snow falling, but sadly, it didn't even look like it had snowed at all 10 minutes away at our house!  We are still waiting to wake up to that first big snow of the year.  I am thankful to have made fun memories & enjoy a night out with my best friend.


  1. We love CCF for dessert, too! But, my hubby doesn't like cheesecake (what's wrong with him???) so we always get separate desserts... and then have leftovers for the next evening, too!

    Looks like a fun, romantic night!

  2. ahh fun, I love those sort of date. I love any date with my hubby though. :)
