Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend to Remember

Earlier this month, we got away for a weekend in Vail to attend the Weekend to Remember marriage retreat.  It is a weekend conference to be encouraged in your marriage, spend some time focusing on your relationship, and relax and connect as a couple.  We got engaged in Vail, so we thought it would be the perfect location to return to for a Weekend to Remember getaway. 
The conference gets an amazing deal on the Vail Marriott Resort and they have some of the comfiest hotel beds I've ever slept in.  I can rarely sleep in hotel beds, but I slept wonderfully in this one!
Vail is beautiful any time of the year, but we got lucky and fall lingered a little longer than usual in the mountains this October.  The leaves were brilliant and we enjoyed perfect, warm, sunny afternoons that we took advantage of to wander around Vail Village during our breaks.
On Saturday night, the conference schedules a date night and you have the entire evening off for a fun night together.  We decided to return to Kelly Liken, the restaurant we ate at after we got engaged, for a special dinner.
If you happen to be Top Chef fans like we are, you might recognize Kelly Liken from this past season of Top Chef, Washington DC.  We asked her husband Rick to send a message back to her in the kitchen and let her know that we had rooted for her on Top Chef.  She was sweet enough to come out just before we left to say hi and congratulate us on 3 1/2 years of marriage (even though it was a full house and she was busy in the kitchen.)  She even snapped a photo with us.
At the end of our weekend, we returned to the bench where we got engaged almost 4 years ago!  It's the first time we've been back since the day we got engaged.  Our spot looks different when it isn't covered with snow and ice. 
We shared some sweet time reading each other letters reflecting on the last 4 years and the blessings we've experienced in each other and in our marriage.  We had a wonderful weekend!

When was the last time you took some intentional time away with your husband or wife?  Your marriage is worth the investment!  I think it's so important to take time to focus on your marriage and on your spouse, to remember all of the reasons that you love and appreciate each other, and to talk about the ways that you desire to continue to grow in loving each other well through changing seasons of life.  The Weekend to Remember marriage getaways are a perfect opportunity to do just that.  They offer hundreds of retreats all across the US.  If you ever want to getaway with your spouse at a Weekend to Remember, message me and I can even share a discount code with you!  The retreats are put on by Family Life, a ministry of the organization that we work for.

1 comment:

  1. It looks soooo beautiful there!! Wow! How special y'all went back to the spot you got engaged. :) Cute pics!!
