Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring in Bloom: Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

One of the fun surprises of the first spring in a new home is what pops up in the yard that you didn't know was there!  In the last week, three trees in our backyard that I didn't know were flowering trees, have begun bursting with absolutely beautiful pink spring buds. 

After a spring shower this afternoon, I wanted to capture our yard in bloom against the bright blue sky that came after the rain. I thought they were the perfect to share in celebration of Earth Day today, and the beautiful creation the Lord blessed us with!

I also adore these grape hyacinths that have popped up beneath the flowering tree.  There are more buds and more things getting ready to bloom, and I am excited to see what other spring surprises our yard has in store.

I have also decided that I am going to add a new regular feature to my blog.  Earth Day seems like the perfect day to announce Live Green Tuesdays!  Each week, I am going to post a quick tip of easy ways to live greener and healthier.  An eco-friendly life doesn't have to be difficult or expensive (in face, it can help you save money!)  I hope that these tips and tricks will help you to make choices, without a lot of hassle, that will protect the beautiful earth that God has entrusted to us and help to keep it beautiful for years to our children and grandchildren can enjoy it too.  We've been trying to make greener, healthier choices in our home, and I'd love to share some ideas I've found with you.

Watch for the first tip on Tuesday!

And coming tomorrow on Food for Friday, Chicken Parmesan Burgers...

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