Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Memories 2009

My mom and brother left us today and headed east on I-70, back to Ohio after a week here in Denver visiting us for Christmas. Why does it always seem like visits go by so quickly?

Christmas cookies were baked...
And eaten...

We went to church on Christmas Eve and watched The Nativity Story...

Made The Pioneer Woman's homemade, amazingly delicious, melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon rolls for Christmas brunch...

Gifts were opened...

We chatted with my other brother in Ohio over iChat and opened presents with him...

We went to Zoo Lights at the Denver Zoo...

Truman and Evan hit the slopes at A Basin while my mom and I hit the stores for some after Christmas shopping...

Games were played, movies were watched, and a lot of good food was eaten.

We had a fun week together and I was sad to send them off and say goodbye this morning when they hit the road!


  1. I like your new boots! So glad that you had a good Christmas. Missed having you with us in Houston! Happy New Year!

  2. awww, looks like you guys had a fabulous christmas! and those cinnamon rolls look awesome, i must try that recipe soon!
