Monday, December 14, 2009

Celebrating my Handsome Hubby

Truman's birthday falls in the middle of December, and amidst all of the holiday festivities, I want to be sure to take a day just to celebrate him! We had a full day of fun to celebrate.

The night before his birthday, I snuck out of bed after he fell asleep to decorate our dining area for a birthday morning surprise. It took him a few minutes to notice through his sleepy eyes, but after he saw all the decorations, surprise filled his face. We opened presents before taking off for the day.

We saw The Blind Side that afternoon before heading to a birthday dinner of Brazilian of Tru's favorites.

After dinner, some of our staff team friends came over for Cold Stone cake and an evening of playing Cities & Knights.

I am so thankful my sweet husband was born. I look forward to many more years of celebrating his life together!

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