Monday, November 30, 2009

Sara Groves & Big Summer News!

I have listened to the music of Sara Groves for years. I appreciate her unique voice, vulnerable and poignant lyrics, and the instrumentals that are common in her albums. Her songs have been a soundtrack for many seasons of my life. Some of my absolute favorites are Painting Pictures of Egypt, He's Always Been Faithful, Going Home, This Journey Is My Own, Maybe There's a Loving God & This Peace. She even has her own playlist on my iTunes.

This morning at our church, we were blessed to have Sara Groves share one of her songs with us during the service. This video played while she sang and is a moving portrayal of her inspiration for the lyrics. I wanted to share it with you because I was so touched by it.

I think that the images especially resonated with me because of some big news that Truman and I are excited to share. This summer, we are headed to Cape Town, South Africa for our summer mission trip with Campus Crusade for Christ! We will be taking a group of students for 4-6 weeks. We are really excited and already anticipating how the Lord will be at work in and through us this summer. I look forward to sharing our experiences in South Africa on my blog this summer!

(Photo Credit: Source Unknown...Let me know if this photo is yours! I saved it on my computer awhile ago.)

(Photo Credit: my friend Leslie Savage,

I will post about our Thanksgiving in the next few days once I have a chance to upload my photos! We visited Truman's family in Houston for the holiday. I hope you had a wonderful celebration with loved ones and lots of delicious food!


  1. Sara Groves is one of my favorites too. I really appreciate the talent she has in writing her music and being able to sing about it so honestly. We pulled out her Christmas CD this weekend and it's one we always enjoy.
    How exciting to be taking this trip!!! I look forward to hearing more about it.

    Have a great week!

  2. I don't know her, but I love finding new musicians.

  3. I have always enjoyed Sara Groves. Her lyrics speak so much truth and that voice!!!

    South Africa!!! Can't wait to see all of the pictures. I have heard that it is absolutely beautiful.

  4. Amber! I finally got a chance to check out your blog. It is awesome! I've added you to my blog list so I can keep up with you now! I was so glad to read in your news letter that you are feeling better! Love you friend!

  5. How awesome about your upcoming mission trip!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
