Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wicked turned wicked evening

While living in Austin, Tru and I had season tickets to the Broadway series. The show that we were most excited about for the season was Wicked. We had both heard so many rave reviews that we couldn't wait to see it. Except we moved to Denver 2 months before the show, so we missed seeing it!

We were excited to find that it was running in Denver this fall. Last night, for our date night, we headed down to the Performing Arts Center to try and score lottery tickets for last night's show. We didn't win the lottery seats, but they offered everyone who showed up for the lottery 60% off orchestra seats for the show, so we jumped on the chance to see it!

We headed to get dinner before the show at a Mexican restaurant in Larimer Square, anticipating finally seeing Wicked! By 1/3 into Wicked, I had severe burning and pain in my stomach. At first I thought it was just indigestion, but it continued to get worse. By the time the show ended, we were rushing home because I was so ill. Our fabulous evening out for Wicked quickly turned into a wicked evening. After 6 hours of vomiting, our family doctor advised me to go to the ER for IV treatment for dehydration. 3.5 hours in the ER later, we were heading home at 8:00 am with a very different ending to our fun date night than we had expected! The ER doctor believes I had food poisoning from our dinner out.

I'm still quite sick, but the IV treatment did stop the vomiting for which I am incredibly thankful. I am on a liquid diet for at least 24 hours and extremely weak, so I'm just trying to get a lot of rest and hope to be back to normal by the end of the weekend!

But, if you haven't seen Wicked, you must! It is such a fabulous show! In fact, it was so enjoyable that I was engaged and loved it even with severe stomach pain. I told Truman last night that I was so thankful I didn't get sick before the show ended because I would have been so sad if we had to leave early! The music was memorable and fun, the costumes and sets were excellent, and the storyline and all the little details they tied into the Wizard of Oz were remarkable. We definitely give it two thumbs up! We had high expectations and it did not disappoint.

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