Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snowy Fall Day

I was planning to share some photos of my fall decor this week, but my plan changed when we woke up to this:

We are having an early winter storm, and the snow is piling up outside. I've been sitting on the couch all day watching the flurry of flakes fall. We had a staff meeting with our ministry team at our house this morning, and we watched inches and inches accumulate while we worked. We had a staff member from India visiting, who joined us at our meeting, and this was the first time he'd ever seen snow!

The first significant snowfall of the season is always exciting in a childlike way. Last night when the snow started falling, I turned on our back porch light and peaked out the window each time I walked by, checking to see how much snow had fallen.

We have about 14 inches right now, with 2 foot tall drifts in our backyard, and the snow is still falling. They are forecasting snow for the next 25 hours, with several inches overnight and several more inches tomorrow. I think it might be time for us to buy a shovel!

I love the natural slowness that comes with a winter storm. Curling up with a blanket and a warm drink on the couch, watching the snow fall, with no place to be because everyone else is also at home, escaping the snowy weather. After the busy seasons of spring and summer, winter is like a natural, built-in season of rest....staying home more, movies and reading, having friends over for dinner and game nights, and weekend trips to the mountains. We still have several weeks of fall to come, and more gorgeous sunny fall days ahead before winter comes to stay, but I'm enjoying this little snow storm, and a return to the little joys of seasons. I'm also enjoying my hubby's face and amazement as he learns about life in a state with true winters.

Don't worry, it is supposed to be back in the 50's this weekend, which hopefully means melted snow and a warmer evening on Halloween for little trick-or-treaters decked out in the costumes they've been begging to wear for weeks! Maybe I'll post my fall photos on Saturday.


  1. I have been staring out the window all day as well, loving every minute of this winter weather. So cozy!

  2. You almost... almost... made me miss it.

    You're right, though - there is something special about the very first snowfall. When we lived in the midwest, I used to take my kids out in the first snow - even if it meant waking them up in the middle of the night. We've only had one snow since we moved to TX and it was gone within an hour of hitting the ground.

    BTW... don't just buy a shovel - buy a snow blower, too!!!


  3. What pretty pictures! Last winter was our first midwest winter and I found myself staring outside our windows alot as well, during snow storms. And even after the snow was all settled on the ground and in the trees, I found it to be very beautiful. Possibly, my hubby had a different view point, since he had to shovel the snow off the driveway! We haven't had our first snow of the year yet, but I can't imagine it will be even close to 14 inches! That seems like alot to me! But maybe I've forgotten, since we had such a beautiful spring and summer... :)
