Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Potted Herb Garden

This past weekend, we took a trip to our local nursery and I planted a potted herb garden. Because we moved into our new home so late into the summer, we sadly weren't able to plant a garden this year. I still wanted to plant some organic herbs, though, because they grow quickly and are so much more economical than buying fresh herbs at the grocery store. I can buy a plant for what I would usually pay for one bunch of basil at the store. I love having fresh herbs just outside my door that I can snip to use in our meals.

I opted to plant them in a pot instead of in an outdoor planter in hopes that we can move them inside in a month or so when it gets too chilly for them to live outside! We get a lot of sun through the large windows in our house, so I am hoping they will be able to survive inside this winter. I included several varieties of basil and mint, as well as cilantro, rosemary and oregano. The nursery was out of thyme but I would like to add it in if I can still find some!

We are already looking forward to planting a garden next year and are making plans. We have the perfect spot all picked out!


  1. Such a good idea! I need to do that!

  2. found you from Chatting At The Sky ... cute blog ... you've done some great things at your new home :)

    Blessings - Lindsay

  3. How fun! I love fresh herbs, too.
