Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Hooks

I snapped a couple photos of some of my favorite details in our home before we moved. I thought I could share some of these ideas with you while we are shuffling around to our temporary housing locations and all of my crafting supplies are tucked away in boxes, which sadly means I won't be doing much creating until we get unpacked and settled!

These 3 hooks hung in our master bathroom. They were actually intended to be outdoor garden hooks. My hubby and I had stopped in JoAnn's to look for a few items we needed for our home. We had bathroom hooks on our list, but we were originally envisioning metal hooks, possibly with numbers above them.

He spied these in the seasonal garden section and thought they might work well with our paisley shower curtain. He came and found me to ask my opinion and I instantly loved them. I liked their unique character and thought they would add a little extra visual interest in our bathroom. We chose 3 different styles and I was so glad that he had been "thinking outside the box" as he was looking around! They were the perfect size to fit on the empty wall in a little nook beside the armoire. These hooks ended up being one of my favorite details in our bathroom.

They will definitely be hung in our new bathroom as well. I love when little discoveries turn out even better than your original design plan!

(Side Note: Yes, my husband's that awesome and is sometimes willing to accompany me into craft stores when we are out running errands. I think the main item on our list for this particular trip was curtain rods. No, he doesn't always come along and I do my best to spare him the loooong trips when I know I'm going to be wandering the aisles for extended periods of time looking for creative ideas and project supplies.)


  1. Good luck with the moving!! I also love the hutch re-do. What a great job you did! :)

  2. those hooks are really cute, I would have never thought to use them in a bathroom! thanks for sharing the website! I'll have to be careful, since I will be painting it outside! sigh, now if i could just finish sanding....~r
