Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Graduation Weekend

This past weekend, we were in Ohio with my family, celebrating my "baby" brother's high school graduation!

Earlier in the week, my mom and I worked on a few projects for Evan's graduation party. As we looked through photos for a memory board, I was reminded of the cute little guy that loved to read books with his "sissy," adored Sesame Street and chose to wear his favorite Sesame Street t-shirt whenever it was clean, spent hours playing in the pool with his big brother, asked a million and one questions (smart questions!) to figure out how things worked, and cried when his big sister went on a mission trip and wasn't at the dinner table for a week. He's not so little anymore.

He is taller than his big sister now, and we looked on as he walked across the stage and accepted his diploma, reaching another milestone in his journey into adulthood.

We are praying for him as he begins a new chapter this fall, heading to Belmont University as part of the Class of 2013.

Congratulations, Evan! We are proud of you and are happy that we could be there to share in the celebration with you!


  1. The display board looks great. Congratulations to your brother and best wishes to him as he begins this new chapter!

  2. You and Evan look so much alike! Hope it was a sweet time w/ fam.

  3. Congrats to him!

    Those graduation pops were so cute that you posted!

    And yes, you read it right, I don't drink coffee. I could pour my cold Diet Coke in there in the mornings though and look like I did! :)

  4. awww i loved high school! thats why i love my new job! anyway, Amber! i just started my new blog and it looks hooooorrible! And I'm really bad with HTML (even though at one point i was EE) so can you help me?? THANKS!
