Monday, June 22, 2009

Big Changes!

On Friday, this truck pulled up in front of our house.

And a crew of movers packed and loaded tons of these.

Until our very first home together looked like this.

Where are we going, you ask?


I did say big changes. On Friday evening after the moving truck pulled away, we loaded both our cars and began our 3 day journey to Colorado. Tonight, we pulled into Denver. Tomorrow, we look for a new home!

If you've been visiting my blog for long, you know that my husband Truman and I work with Campus Crusade for Christ. We minister to college students and have been serving in the greater Austin area for the last two years. This summer, we are transitioning to serve with the Denver Metro Team, pioneering Ethnic Student Ministry on college campuses in the Denver area. We are so excited for this opportunity, an answer to our prayers, and the prayers of our new team. We are continually blessed by God's provision in our lives and were encouraged to see Him orchestrate all of the details for this move!

We were sad to leave our Austin home. It was a perfect first home for us to share this past year and a half and we loved it. We wished that we could bring it with us. So many memories were made in this house and I'm thankful that those will come with us.

I was a Texas transplant after we got married, and it's not a secret that my husband's home state never really grew on me. As we leave Texas behind and transition to Denver, I thought I would share my list of things that I will and won't miss about The Lone Star state:

Things I Will Miss:
Our house
Chuy' favorite Austin restaurant...especially the queso and steak burrito!
Visits to Fredericksburg
Hey Cupcake
Friends and family

Things that I Will Not Miss:
Mosquitoes that eat you alive any time of day
Feeder Roads
Summer (and spring and fall) heat! and humidity!
Road Humps

Goodbye Texas. Hello Denver!


  1. Wow, Amber! Such BIG changes!! I'm excited for you to go back home to Colorado, but I have to say that Texas is really going to miss you! I'm sad I won't see you when I get back...but maybe this creates a good excuse for me to finally visit CO! :)
    Good luck to you guys!

  2. Congratulations on the big move. Denver is a great place to live. Quite different from Texas. Good luck and God bless on your new adventure.

  3. Wow, congrats on your move and your big adventure!

  4. we are very excited for you and truman and your big move. praying for a smooth transition.

    Now that we are living in another state besides texas, I'm definitely enjoying the weather so much more! I guess when you grow up there, you don't know any different (i.e. that there are other places with 4 actual seasons!).. :)

  5. I'm so sad that we didn't get to actually meet while you were here. But, I am excited for all that God has in store for you in your new home. I'll continue to read your blog.

