Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Here!!!

It's here! It's been almost 4 months since the Home Made Simple crew invaded our home and spent 3 days working on projects around our house, teaching us a few new recipes in the kitchen, and blessing us with a one-of-a-kind experience. Now, it's finally time for our episode to air! Watch TLC at 12 Noon EST/11 CST (Saturday) to see us on Home Made Simple!

Here's a sneak peak at some of the projects that we'll be doing on the show:

We are having a bunch of friends over for a viewing party and to laugh together as we watch the show. I'll be back with more photos tomorrow!


  1. I have it set to be recorded via DVR! :)

  2. I just finished watching the show!!!

    Y'all are such stars and I loved your finished room.

    And guess what? You are exactly as I imagined from reading your blog and corresponding through comments!


  3. I was out of the house all day and missed it! I am so bummed! Can't wait to hear how the viewing went!

  4. How exciting! Can't wait to see more photos.

    I found the colored burlap at Ben Franklin crafts (their burlap was by far the smelliest), and Walmart.


  5. Matt and I watched your episode after church last night!! So cool. :) And now you're famous!
