Sunday, April 5, 2009

Flowers & Celebrations!

We've had a very full weekend! We left Friday to drive to Houston. It's bluebonnet season here in Texas and the drive from Austin to Houston was beautiful! Several stretches along the highway were completely covered with the beautiful blue state wildflower.

We spent the first part of the weekend in Houston with Truman's family. Truman's dad was ordained on Saturday morning and we were able to join him for the ordination service and a celebration luncheon. This special day has been a long time coming and we are so proud of him for his faithful answer to God's call on his life! It was so evident by the crowds of people who wanted to be a part of his ordination service that he is greatly loved and appreciated for the love with which he serves and ministers to others. Congratulations, Daddy!

And today, we were back in Austin to celebrate Cohen's first birthday with our friends, Josh & Wendy!

We got to spend a beautiful, sunny afternoon celebrating this cute little guy! We had so much fun watching him dig into his cake and dance while he opened his presents. Could he be any more adorable? He is such a joy and we have loved watching him grow and change this past year. We can hardly believe he turned one today!

Happy 1st Birthday Cohen!


  1. Yeah! So glad you made the trip to Houston this past weekend and got to see all the bluebonnets! Aren't the masses of them just amazing along the highway?!

    Sounds like you had a very full and enjoyable weekend. Congrats to your father-in-law!


  2. Where do I begin with this cute post???? LOVED all those pictures. Congrats to Truman's Dad...very exciting! And that sweet little boy, Cohen? He is the cutest!

    Glad you both enjoy my crazy stories about my little Mary Margaret. I kind of over-do it with MMisms but I think she says some pretty funny things....of course, I am just a little biased!!!

  3. Thanks for stoppin by and taking time to comment and give me some love. That little guys is adorable. Did you make that banner Love those colors

  4. Those flowers are beautiful and those pictures were great! Sounds like a fun weekend!

    P.S. Sorry you were having trouble commenting! It as been confusing trying to figure out all of the kinks. :)

  5. You guys had a fun weekend! Those flowers are just gorgeous. Congrats to your father-in-law, and Happy Birthday to little Cohen!
