Monday, March 23, 2009

Shabby Organizing

Since my hubby and I work in full-time ministry and don't have an office, we work out of our home. My craft table and desk are 2 in 1 and I always struggle with paperwork being strewn across my craft table even though I rarely sit at my desk to work on administrative tasks. (I usually curl up on the couch or in a comfy chair with my laptop.)

I desperately needed some file folders to corral the often used paperwork that I needed to keep at my fingertips and the incoming-outgoing and important paperwork, to keep my workspace free from paper clutter. But, I also didn't want my beautiful creative space to be invaded by cubicle looking industrial office supplies.

I've seen pretty patterned file folders like these, or these, or these, but we already have a whole box of plain manilla file folders and I wanted to be as thrifty as possible! I found the perfect scrapbook paper on sale at Michael's and used some that I already had in my stash and made my own shabby file folders.

I simply traced around the file folder on my 12x12 paper, cut it out, and used this adhesive to attach the scrapbook paper to the file folder. Now I have organized spots for my paperwork that fit right in and make me a little happy every time I see them!

1 comment:

  1. Amber, you are sooo funny! I love those folders.. they are very sweet! Jen
