Wednesday, January 7, 2009

That's a Wrap!

We finished day 3 of taping tonight, our shoot is wrapped, and I can't wait to crawl into my bed and sleep until I wake up tomorrow morning! It quickly became weirdly normal to be "on set" in our home and both Truman & I are sad that the crew won't be coming back tomorrow morning. They won't be setting up in our garage before we're awake, there won't be makeup while we have our morning coffee, there won't be experiences shared over meals in our backyard, and there won't be laughter and joking around with the crew between takes. I might even miss the lines for the bathroom and the chatting that took place while we waited our turn. All of the friendly faces that became so familiar over the last 3 days won't be back and it's actually really sad. There were even some misty eyes as we thanked them and said our goodbyes.

In the last 3 days, I learned a few more things. Our kitchen looks MUCH bigger on TV. Terms like B-Roll and OTF (On The Fly) are no longer mysterious lingo that produce puzzled looks. And, things are copyrighted that you would never imagine. But most importantly, I was reminded of how God surprises and blesses us in such unexpected ways.

We truly enjoyed every single person that was a part of our crew. We feel so blessed and so lucky to have the chance to work with such a phenomenal crew! This experience definitely rates high as one of my most memorable and I can't even think of adequate words to express how much fun we had. If you ever get the chance to be a part of a production like Home Made Simple, jump on it as fast as you can. Seriously. I loved the experience so much that a little part of me thinks that it would be a dream to be a part of a cast for a home show someday. I am so utterly exhausted, but it was worth every single minute.

We worked on some clever crafty projects that I know some of you are going to love! I can barely keep myself from typing out a little hint or two. But, I must wait!

Our episode is scheduled to air on TLC sometime this spring, probably in April. I'll be sure to let ya'll know when we find out the air date!

Meanwhile, I'm going to eat the tasty leftovers that are in my fridge, click through all the photos we took during the shoot & plan my scrapbook pages, and put my tired feet up and relax in my super functional and organized, yet beautiful, new space!


  1. Amber,
    Wow! So exciting. I just spent the past moments catching up on what you and Tru have been doing since Christmas break. I want to sit down and write you an email soon. I'm behind on my blogging! Aaaugh!--it's the downloading pictures part!! ;P
    I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves so much, and that you were blessed with this opportunity.

  2. Sounds like a blast! I know my HGTV experience was so much fun and that was just small compared to yours. It was just me and the camera man except when we did a video conference with Angelo and the couple getting the makeover!

    I can't wait to see your episode!

  3. You are sooooooo LUCKY! I'm excited for you guys and can't wait to see the show. Please let me know when it airs and I'll post it over on my blog. Congrats!

  4. oh my gosh i am freaking out right now...blessed indeed. THAT IS SO AWESOME and I am so utterly jealous. Who wouldn't give an arm and a leg to have a crew come and do some home projects. WOWIE! I can't wait to see it.

  5. Oh I just can't wait until the spring! It is so much fun to be a part of something that you know you will remember for the rest of your life. I'm glad you had such a good time with the crew and with taping! Can't wait to see you on TV!

  6. Post some photos if you can, it just sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see the show on TV! :)

  7. Yay! I can't wait to see the bit about your small group..hehehe. BTW, just wanted to let you know that I've started a blog of my own...and I might need some help. I can't seem to remember any of my html knowledge from hs... :D

  8. I am SO very impressed!!! I can not wait to watch this. What an exciting adventure;)
