Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm Back!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend!

I took a little un-intended break from blogging. College classes have started which means that our ministry is in full swing! We have been bu-sy the last few weeks gearing up and jumping in to the new semester. We had a week of planning meetings with our staff team to prepare for the start of the semester. We had an overnight student leadership retreat with these guys,

our student leaders, where we had training sessions & planning time to help equip them for ministry this coming year. Last week, classes started and we spent every day on campus in prayer...praying for the students at the University of Texas, University of Texas at San Antonio, and St. Ed's, praying for God's hand on our ministry & in the lives of our staff and students, praying that new movements of believers would be planted on these campuses.

Tomorrow, we head off for an Ethnic Student Ministry retreat for a few days.

But, this weekend, I finally had some time to make progress on several projects I've been itching to work on! I am looking forward to sharing a couple makeovers of tag sale purchases, and soon, the monster project I've been working on for several weeks now! One's a 6 foot long piece of furniture....


  1. Sounds like you have been super-busy! I feel for you with the Texas weather when you are in a fall mood! Colorado has been very helpful lately, it is in the 50s today and cool, so it feels like fall, which helps, but I know it will be hot again before long. Weird weather! But I would not know what to do if it was still 90 degrees out! Decorate anyway? :)

  2. I can relate... autumn was hard my first few years here in Central Texas. I didn't even know I really liked fall until I didn't have one. Our first year, the holidays literally sneaked up on me because it was summer, still summer, summer some more, then... BAM! Thanksgiving followed by Christmas.

    I still decorate for autum, just not as early. I usually wait 'til early October. At least by then we're well into the school routine and have been to a few football games. Helps bring about a fall feeling of sorts!

