Monday, August 11, 2008

Tag Sale Luggage

I had mentioned a couple weeks back that I had found a few treasures when I was out tag sale-ing. It was my first tag sale hunt since we moved to Austin! My mom was in town, so I decided it was the perfect time to head out and see what we could find.

We left at 7:30 (ugh..if you know me, you know that I am SO not a morning person! Early mornings are the one downside of tag sale-ing for me!) and the first several stops we made were not at all fruitful. Higher prices than I expected or was willing to pay, and not the type of goods I was hunting for.

But luckily, you only need one or two great houses to make the morning trip worth it! The very last two stops we made were my treasure troves of great deals.

One thing I was on the lookout for was vintage luggage or hatboxes. My hubby is short on storage in his office and we had been keeping our eye out for some cool vintage luggage with character to add some storage space in his office. I spied these 3 together at a sale for a steal!

I found quite a few other treasures that I'm in the process of creating with. I'll hopefully be finishing a couple of those projects soon!


  1. Ok... that's it!

    I'm driving down to visit you. You have been here four years less than I have and you've already found some of the coolest spots. I never find deals like that at tag sales, either.

    What day works for you? Ha ha!

  2. Your luggage finds are beautiful! You are so creative!

    I wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on our blog during our travel to China to get our Ahna. Oh my, what days these are.

  3. Hi Amber! Great stuff! I love how it looks too! Thanks for stopping by for a visit to my blog! I can't wait to see what treaures you find next. :) Jen R

  4. Hi Amber,
    Very fun blog, and I love the suitcases! It's inspiring to see what other people discover in their adventures! Thanks so much for visiting me...we might have parallel lives, as I am a Miami grad as well with Ohio roots. Denver has been home for about 1 1/2 years...we love it but miss Ohio as well. What a small world though! So glad you found me!

  5. Thanks for your opinion about the urns. I like that idea!

  6. Amber, I liked you! I listed you in my favorites as "My Favorite Austin Blogger"--that way my friends will know you are in Austin.

    And I forgot to tell you the other day that I've lived in Texas all my life and I am STILL not used to these HOT summers. I feel like a bad mom for keeping Arden cooped up in the house all day, but it's just to hot to do stuff outside! Looking forward to Fall!!
