Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lucky Day!

It seems today is a lucky day for me! I found a great loveseat on Craigslist for cheap that will add needed seating to our living room, our wedding album arrived in the mail (it's beautiful!) AND I won a blog give-away from the Nester! A super cute black and white fabric garland kit that I can’t wait to receive so I can check out how she makes them and create my very own. The Nester has fabulous, creative and inexpensive decorating ideas and fun life stories (with a sense of humor that has been known to make me laugh out loud)….I read her blog on a regular basis.

I feel very lucky to have won! I don't think I've won much other than $50 from a Kit Kat bar when I was around age 4 and $94 from a radio station when I was in junior high. Both of those were quite awhile ago!

If you found my blog through the Nester’s post, welcome! And thanks for visiting!

I have been *bu-sy* around here and I've been working on some fun projects. I'm looking forward to sharing some of them later this week! (Hopefully before we head off to a ministry retreat on Wednesday.) Stay tuned!


  1. Hi! Congrats on winning the Nester draw, i am sooooo jealous!!!
    BTW that pistachio layer dessert looks D.I.V.I.N.E!!! We so don't have desserts like that here in New Zealand!

  2. Hi Amber! I did find both your blogs from The Nester. Want to hear some fun coincidences? I'm in the Austin area, too, but I grew up in Ohio! (Northern OH - west of Cleveland.) I also have some friend that, like you, started out their young married lives working with CCFC. He is now a pastor in IL.

    Blessings! Dawn

  3. Congrats! I love the Nester. :) I have been looking for some new blogs to read.

  4. Congrats on winning The Nesters garland. Be sure to post pics when you get it finished--no pressure ;)

    I just moved from Austin to San Antonio. Miss it LOTS, enjoy it for me--it has a way of GROWING on you--BIG TIME!

  5. Amber, I just followed the link from The Nester's site. Congrats on the win! Don't you just love those garlands?

    Your blog is beautiful and I'll be praying for your Campus Crusade ministry.

  6. I saw your big win on the nesters blog and wanted to share my envy and congratulations! I subscribed and look forward to hearing more about your ministry.
