Monday, May 12, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow is our one year wedding anniversary! We have a conference to attend near Portland next weekend, so we decided to head out to Oregon a few days early to celebrate our first year of marriage. We will be spending two nights at a B&B on the Oregon coast followed by two nights at a B&B in the city of Portland. Two days of relaxation followed by two days of exploring a fun city sounds like a perfect combination to me! I'll be sure to post pictures and reviews of our trip when we get back.

As I think back over this past year, one thing that characterized our first year of marriage was travel! With all of the ministry travel we've done in the last year, we have definitely been on the road more than we've been home, so in honor of our first anniversary, I thought I would share the collection of state line signs that we've accumulated over the last year. At least once, I missed the sign and my sweet husband exited, turned around, and went back so that we could document another state that we'd driven through. (I'll spare you the duplicates since there are several states that we passed through multiple times.) Starting with the week after our honeymoon, we crisscrossed the map, driving from:

Ohio to Texas
Texas to Arizona
Arizona to California
California to Colorado
Texas to Arkansas & back
Texas to Florida & back
Texas to Oklahoma & back
Texas to Ohio & back

Here is our collection of state sign photographs...with a couple scenic shots of things we saw flying by outside our window...

My creation

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