Friday, January 4, 2008

Locks of Love

As of this afternoon, my head is 10 inches lighter! It's been over a year and half since I have had a significant length of my hair cut. I began growing it out because I was ready for a change, but once it reached a certain length, I decided to continue growing it out in hopes of donating to Locks of Love. There have been many times that I've been *so* tempted to chop it off, but the temptation would taper and I'd let it keep growing. Just a few trims here and there. About a month ago, I found a special reason to donate this month and was excited when I took a ruler to my hair and it was long enough to meet the 10 inch requirement and leave me with some to style!

Meet sweet Noah Graves & his mom Adrienne, dad Jason, and sister Emily. I first met the Graves family during the 5 months that they were "living" at The Children's Hospital in Denver. They were a part of my Red Rocks Church Family and our church community was providing them meals at the hospital. I was blessed to take a meal to them on December 13, 2006 and had a chance to visit with them and share dinner together in Noah's hospital room. We spent some time getting to know each other and we prayed over little Noah together. I was so touched and inspired by this amazing family and how marked their lives were by God's hand. The grace and transparency with which they live their life, especially their journey with Noah, has touched my heart and impacted my life. On January 12, 2006, at 7 months old, Noah went to be with the Lord. But, in his short little life, he touched more lives than most do even when they live to be 100. Adrienne recorded in detail the family's incredible journey on her blog and continues to share her insights into God's love and grace in their lives, after they were forever changed by their son, Noah. I have to warn you though, if you start reading their story, you probably won't be able to stop! Be prepared for your heart to be changed too!

On January 12th, the one year anniversary of Noah's arrival in heaven, Adrienne and 8 of her Denver friends will be donating their hair to Locks of Love in his memory. She invited others across the US to join them, and I decided it would be a perfect time for my cut, to honor Noah with my donation. Since I am leaving tomorrow for Daytona, FL for my 6 week long New Staff Training with Campus Crusade for Christ, I decided to cut a week early.

Here are some before shots:

The cut!

My new do!

This was the first cut I've had in Austin, but I went to a hairdresser highly recommended by my sister in law Carita and friend Jocelin. They both always have awesome cuts, so I trusted their stylist to take me short! My sweet and very cooperative hubby shot some pics for me of the cut. I'm so happy with my new might just be one of the best cuts I've ever had. It feels great to have a lighter head of hair and a little more bounce. It was time for a change! I'm looking forward to experimenting with different ways of styling it, especially since I have naturally curly hair.

I'm even happier to package up my ponytail for donation and drop it in the mail tomorrow. Sweet Noah, in your memory, may another precious child of God have a tangible need met in love.


  1. First of all, Amber, I didn't realize you guys had moved to TX. And now you are on your way to FL for CCFC! So great! Congratulations! I just found your blog through a link on Noah's stating sites of last referals. I came here, and you did Locks of Love in his memory! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I cannot tell you how many times a week Jason and I share the stories of how RRC, you guys, showered us with love and meals during Noah's stay at TCH. We were able to enjoy so many meals with people like you, not just drops off, and actually grew closer to that part of the Body of Christ in the process. Thank you for being a part of that, for taking the time to make us a meal, to come down to the hospital to meet Noah, and for allowing your heart to be touched by the Lord through his little life. Your hair looks FANTASTIC! I CANNOT wait to cut mine in one week! It is going to be short, but I just learned of another person who has cancer, and it's just worth it! Hair is hair and it grows back...I pray for God's blessings on you at Crusade during your training, that He will lead you by His Spirit and stir up the gifts He placed in you to do His will here on earth! Congratulations!

  2. Amber, what a great story! I can't believe it's already been a year. Wow.

    I love that you're donating your hair, and what a bonus to have such a cute haircut as a result! It really looks like a great cut, and it suits you :)

    Hope your training goes well. As a former Crusade girl myself (IV at my school was for the dorks), I'm following your story with interest!
