Sunday, November 18, 2007

Moving Day!

The days have flown by since Tuesday when we closed on the house! We have been insanely busy cleaning, grouting & painting and my body is feeling every one of those squats, swipes & strokes!!! A lot of progress has been made (I'll share more details in a later post!), but there is still much to be done!

Friends from our a-w-e-s-o-m-e community group from Austin Stone moved all of our boxes & furniture from the storage unit into the house yesterday morning!!!! Using their patented assembly line method, they completed the move in about 2 1/2 hours!! And let me tell you, they moved a LOT of stuff. Such a blessing. Since all of my belongings have been in storage since the beginning of March, I can't even tell you how wonderful it was to see them coming into the house. I can't wait to dig into the boxes of fun things that have been packed away!

A friend of Truman's gave us tickets to the UT basketball game tonight. We decided it was a great chance to take a break from the back-breaking house work and enjoy a little down time! I sported my very first burnt orange UT apparel, and I can't even tell you how excited my hubby was to see me in his beloved burnt orange. I'm still not convinced it's my best color, but Tru seems to like it!

Well, just looking at all of the boxes stacked around me makes me tired! Back to work....

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