Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fall Festivities

Tonight was our community group fall party & pumpkin carving contest.

We attended as a cowgirl, and a nerd. I hope you can guess who was which. I have to say that my hubby is a VERY convincing nerd! ;) It did seem a bit too natural! We joked that if he had arrived to pick me up at the airport in this getup when we first met, it would've been a very awkward evening!!! We actually won the costume contest....but I'm pretty sure that it was Truman that swayed the judges vote! (I had to add the up-close picture so ya'll could fully appreciate some of the little nerdy touches.) I'm pretty impressed that we (well, mostly me) cooked up costumes from our extremely limited suitcase collection of belongings! I was sad however that my cowgirl boots were in storage!!

(Be sure to note my crazy nephew in the background of the picture! Tomorrow night, we'll be passing out candy while he & his brother head out to collect their share!)

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